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Welcome to my Training page.
I am passionate about sharing the knowledge I have learnt along my yoga journey in order to reach as many children as I can. I am currently developing a range of training packages for parents and school staff to access.
My first training package which is available now is called:
'An introduction to Meditation and Mindfulness techniques in the classroom'.
This training package has been created for Primary School Teachers and Learning Support staff to access. Training materials include a PowerPoint presentation with embedded audio and videos and a resource pack.
ctives for this training package are as follows: 
  • To introduce the definition of mindfulness and the benefits of practising this

  • To introduce what breathwork is and the benefits of completing breathing exercises

  • To introduce how to complete a range of breathing exercises with children and young people

  • To introduce two versions of the grounding technique and how to complete these with children and young people

  • To introduce mindfulness activities for use in the classroom

  • To introduce two emotion recognition activities for use in the classroom

  • To learn how to teach children to visualise

  • To explore relaxation and mindful tools and how these can be used with children

  • To learn about mindfulness creations that can be made with children (in nurture groups/as part of PSHE)

The training should take approximately one hour to complete. It is best accessed on a Desktop or Laptop.

Please click on the button below to purchase my training package. Once you have done this, please click here to sign up to my members area where you can access all materials. 

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